Bear Creek BLOG
Life Outside The Institution
After my deliverance I could see all the spiritual abuse in the shaming, rather than teaching on the good news of the Kingdom and how we could walk in Kingdom power. If you find people whose “minds aren’t warped,” let me know because that is a rarity.
It is good to find a community of people with which to have relationship and encouragement, but that is a difficult order to fill.
Fat Fantasies
Fat is relative. Spiritually speaking, it is the buildup of hurts, abuses, ignorance, and ridiculous doctrines making the Saints so sluggish and unhealthy that our lives are relegated to just making it through the next week until we can assuage our consciences in the confessionals of whatever religious system we choose.
No More Derek Jeter
The kingdoms of this world are smitten with celebrity. Whether it’s sports figures or actors or maybe even politicians (there comes the puke), we love them in all their natural charm and gifts. In fact, we often live vicariously through their accomplishments and calamities. When some famous person passes on, people weep and mourn as if they actually had a relationship with them.
But here’s a thought: Don’t we live in the upside-down Kingdom, the Kingdom of God? In this Kingdom there is only one celebrity and He sits on the throne above all things, the King of the Universe, the Living God, the Ancient of Days, and He shares His glory with no one.
Squishy Little Saints
Sheep. No, lambs. That’s what we really are. Unhealthy, powerless, squishy little lambs unable or unwilling to make decisions without the Sheriff Sheep who pretends to provide a pastoral covering of spiritual authority over us.
Love With My Whole Heart
February is usually the month that we think of decorating with hearts and sending Valentines to those we love. Have you ever said or thought, “I love you with my whole heart!”
With Christianity we are told, “In order to be saved, ask Jesus to come into your heart.” The problem with that statement is that it is not particularly biblical. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus mention coming into a person’s heart, nor is there any gospel presentation that uses the image of Jesus coming into a person’s heart.
Stuff I Do Believe In: FELLOWHSIP
In the journey out of the institutional church structure – and the recovery from its effects – I have discovered a few things that I’d like to run past you. The biggest thing is the realization that my focus has always been askew. We are schooled in the art of “church” by those who have come before us. They, in turn, know what they know as a result of the study of those who came before them. So, here is my question: What if those we revere as “church fathers” were off in their theology or doctrine one half of one degree?
Hitching Post Saints
I recently received another communiqué – among many over the years–that somebody else is setting about starting house churches. Of course there is some anger in their stuff; it’s sort of a prerequisite for Escapees, at least in the early days. The anger is directed at the institution for the disappointment, disillusionment, or downright spiritual abuse. Hopefully they will recover.