Area Facebook Groups
Bear Creek has many Facebook groups for you to connect with each other. (See direct links below.) These groups are moderated by people in those areas. Join a Facebook group in your state/city. If there is not one in your city/state, feel free to join the Worldwide BCR Family.
BCR Intercession
If you have a heart for intercession and would like to join us in prayer, you can via video meeting. We meet up the first Thursday of each month at 8:00 PM eastern in a video meeting.
Return as Alumni
All attendees are welcome to return as Alumni to any retreat you’ve already attended. It’s great to get a refresher on the wholeness journey, reconnect with friends, and make new ones. Check out the Alumni page for more details.
The Vision of the Community Center
The Community Center exists to connect families, clans, tribes, and nations in order to heal relationships with self, with others, and with God.
Researching life among the Israelites, we discover that while there is a personal walk with the Lord, daily life was lived in the context of family. From time to time, the families joined together as clans. Even more rarely, the clans came together as tribes. And only for very unusual circumstances did the entire nation gather together. (Joshua 7:14-15) This is Father’s concept for life in the Kingdom as well. Each Saint has a personal relationship with Father and pursues Him individually. But when isolation is the norm, Saints soon become unhealthy.
The family (by blood or by choice) is the daily life atmosphere for life in the Kingdom. Interacting in these relationships provides safety and security as one serves the other watching our blind spots.
The clan is the model of what we might call our extended family. Often small house groups serve as the context for clan gatherings. The clan should come together in community once a month or several times a month.
The tribe only gathers periodically, which is made up of many clans in a certain area to make new connections and encourage the forming of new families and clans.
The nation comes together on rare occasions to celebrate, to worship, and to fellowship. This is the context of a BCR conference. People from around the world come to our conferences, each bringing their diverse culture, thinking, and worldview to create a glorious koinonia of Father’s presence.
The Community Center exists to connect the Saints to each other. Not to gather members into any sort of club or organization, but to open a door to find other Saints who have been through deliverance and are walking out their wholeness journey. Our mission is to provide a way for families (by blood or by choice) to connect, clans (the extended families) and tribes to meet up, and a conference to gather the nation together.
1. Creating New Families: As folks come through deliverance we encourage the connection of individuals at the retreats.
2. Connecting Clans & Tribes: In order to connect clans and tribes we are creating city/state Facebook Groups for those who have been through deliverance to find each other.
3. Gathering the Nation: The Rendezvous is a yearly conference hosted by Bear Creek Ranch to celebrate and worship our King of kings, and fellowship with the diverse Kingdom of Light.