Bear Creek BLOG

The Honesty Policy
Heather Trim Heather Trim Heather Trim Heather Trim

The Honesty Policy

With my children, I am emulating a policy used in my own family growing up. It was about never keeping secrets. I grew up in a home where we talked about everything, all the time. Having my own children, I’ve realized why.

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To Do or To Be
Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather

To Do or To Be

Each year at this time, many folks consider making New Year's resolutions, making a decision to change something in their lives. Usually we pick something to do or not to do to make our lives better. It may be deciding to lose weight or to eat healthier or be about work or play. But usually it is about doing or not doing something.

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Webinar: Why Deliverance - Part 2
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Webinar: Why Deliverance - Part 2

In Part Two of Tim Mather's webinar "Why Deliverance?" we will examine the next question that is often asked, Can light and darkness coexist? Of course not! is the first response. But we will see that Of Course! is the actual answer. That answer leads us to the really controversial one, Can Christians be demonized?

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Webinar: Why Deliverance - Part 1
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Webinar: Why Deliverance - Part 1

Do Christians need deliverance? Can Light and darkness exist at the same time in the same place? How can a Christian have a demon?

Tim Mather will lay a foundation for a Biblical understanding of deliverance as part of the atonement-the salvation process. Can demons and the Holy Spirit reside in the same person at the same time?

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Webinar: The Secret to Forgiveness
Tim Mather Tim Mather

Webinar: The Secret to Forgiveness

We've been taught all wrong about forgiveness. We learned "forgive and forget." How do I forgive those who continually hurt me? How do I forget the pain I am in? Am I really forgiving when I forget about it for a while?

We try and try to "perform" forgiveness but the pain of offense still resides in our hearts. What we really need is healing through the Holy Spirit. No one talks about what forgiveness has to do with healing...

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Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and Church
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and Church

I remember the day that I found out he was a figment of some adult’s warped mind. We had gone shopping in the family station wagon and the groceries were piled high in the back. When I was a kid, there was no such requirement as wearing a seat belt, so we were free to frolic around the car uninhibited. In my travels, I came upon a grocery bag bulging with candy.

My brain exploded.

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The Pit of Despair
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

The Pit of Despair

I’ve always suffered with depression. It would come over me like a shroud and I’d sink into the pit of despair (random movie reference) without means of escape. It was forever part of my life, so, knowing it would come again, I made adjustments for its effects.

Until we moved to Georgia.

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Raising the Dead
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Raising the Dead

Here is a vision:

As I looked, I could see the backs of a crowd of people to my left. They were intently looking in the same direction away from me. It was obvious they were engaged in worship--some with hands raised, some with bowed heads, most were singing. I watched myself disappear into the crowd and reappear dragging a dead person by the collar. I dragged the person across the street and laid him on his back with his head against the curb…

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Old Horse - New Tricks
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Old Horse - New Tricks

You’ve probably seen it in a wild west movie: the cowboy rides into the frame, dismounts with a flourish dropping the horse’s reins to the ground, and he goes about his business – but the horse (let’s call him Ed [not his real name]) just stands there. Is he tied up? Nope (that’s “No” in cowboyeeze). Is he restrained in any way? Nope. Is he free? Yep (that’s… well you can guess what it means).

So here’s the question: Why does Ed just stand there as if he is bound to something?

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Kindergarten King Things
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Kindergarten King Things

They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings – and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers. Revelation 17:14.

It begs the question, “Lord of what lords, King of which kings?” Is He only the King of royalty? Is He just the Lord over the ruling class?

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Superman Is Real
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Superman Is Real

I am always intrigued by the imagination of man. For example, where did we get the idea of Superman? Stronger, faster, leaps tall buildings, sees through walls, among other things. Who is this guy and how was the concept conceived?

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Hitching Post Saints
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

Hitching Post Saints

I recently received another communiqué – among many over the years–that somebody else is setting about starting house churches. Of course there is some anger in their stuff; it’s sort of a prerequisite for Escapees, at least in the early days. The anger is directed at the institution for the disappointment, disillusionment, or downright spiritual abuse. Hopefully they will recover.

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The Key to Kingdom Relationships
Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather Tim Mather

The Key to Kingdom Relationships

When asked to define Christianity, we get a myriad of answers from just a religion, to Jesus followers, to wasting an hour every week in utter boredom. But I think Jesus gave us the answer as he was being pestered by the Pharisees…

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The Mirror That Changed the Ugly Duckling
Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather Katie Mather

The Mirror That Changed the Ugly Duckling

Remember the Hans Christian Anderson story of the Ugly Duckling? This poor little fellow was so downhearted as others teased him for being different. He felt unwanted, rejected, not loved, not accepted and not enough because he was not like the other ducklings. Then one day, he looked into the pond and saw his reflection. He had a revelation that he was not a duck at all but a beautiful swan.

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COVID Policy
BCR News Bear Creek Ranch BCR News Bear Creek Ranch

COVID Policy

The health and welfare of our attendees is of upmost concern at Bear Creek Ranch (BCR.) We believe that each adult attending our retreats has the right to decide how to protect themselves from sickness and disease. We have a policy in place in accordance with Georgia State guidelines.

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